
I've always been fascinated with the raw edginess of the 1960s and 1970s. I find the musical and fashion culture in those decades created by the likes of Edie Sedgwick, Bridget Bardot, Bob Dylan and Andy Warhol far more iconic and relatable then the present celebrity options. So when I went through drawers of old photos my parents had stowed away, I felt it my prerogative to share these photos with others and expose the fact that yes, my parents were pretty cool at one time. Take a peek at the Flickr slideshow (for the maximum photo viewing experience I recommend playing the video at the end of this post while watching).

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros Home



While it's well into Spring, today's weather is blustery and goosebump-inducing. About a month ago I made these little guys for Easter--a holiday which, for fellow religious-inactives, serves as a welcoming celebration for the Spring Equinox. I neglected to post these until now but I find today suitable in an attempt to at least provide a hint of color on such a dismal excuse for a Spring day.

These little chick nests were made with this recipe except I opted for egg-shaped M&Ms for the nesting inhabitants. The baby chickens were found at the grocery store as a box of six for $0.99.


